The Toasted Soft Summer

ColorBreeze Art - Toasted Soft Summer

Here are the basics of the Toasted Soft Summer

Temperature: Cool, primarily
Value: Medium to Medium Deep
Chroma: Soft
Sister Season: Dusty Soft Autumn

Best colors: Charcoal, navy, cadet blue, raspberry wine, antique violet, bordeaux, watermelon, steel blue.
Worst Colors: Anything too bright, especially warm colors.

The Toasted Soft Summer needs to wear rich, muted cool colors. There is a touch of warmth in you that can be seen in your skin, hair, or eyes, which can cause you to be misdiagnosed as an Autumn.

Monochromatic colors will look great on you. There will be a range of lighter to deeper soft colors you can wear, but keep most of the colors on the deeper side. Colors that are too pale will not be strong enough for your coloring and may wash you out.

Rich neutrals will look great on you, such as charcoal and navy. 

fyi: If you haven't noticed yet, many images I use on this site are marked "ColorBreeze Art". This is part of my new artwork and visuals I have created with the help of AI, among other digital photo software. I will be slowly adding more images over time. Here are some for this season. Please share on Pinterest if you like them! 

Here are some more examples of the Toasted Soft Summer

Young Toasted Soft Summer in Paris.
Beautiful Toasted Soft Summer in blue blouse.
Toasted Soft Summer example.
Young Toasted Soft Summer in field of lavender.

Stay tuned for more Toasted Soft Summer examples...

Here are a few wardrobe looks for the Toasted Soft Summer

Fyi: This season is sometimes categorized as a Soft Summer Deep, along with it's 'twin' the Smokey Soft Summer. 

toasted soft summer clothes 1
soft summer deep clothes beach
Back to school clothes for soft summer deep

You can see more images for the Soft Summers on my Pinterest page