Client Testimonials

Ink Pen writing testimonials

All client testimonials are from actual clients and are on file with PYW.

Some names might have been changed to protect identity.

Soft Winter Testimonial Photo

"I received my Toasted Soft Winter Swatches about a month ago and I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE them!! I have brought them on 3 shopping excursions and it has made shopping and choosing my clothing so much easier. If it's not in my swatches, then I can pass it on by.

Every color is absolutely perfect!! And many of them are colors I normally would not have picked for me to wear (such as the emerald green, the silver cloud, (light icy blue) the magenta and the reds (I was convinced I could not wear red). I have picked up a few tops in each of these colors only to be told by numerous people, WOW! That looks great on you!!

I went through my closet and donated all the muted summer and autumn colors and all my ivory white (which for some reason I thought was better than true white). I was wearing way too muted colors for me and also had my hair lightened so I could wear the muted colors. I have since darkened my hair back to what it was in my 20's and 30's (dark brown with soft, slightly warm highlights) instead of a medium, highlighted brown I have done for 10 years. I've also started wearing plum toned makeup (better than the warmer muted tones I wore before) and found a few lovely lipsticks that go with my swatches. I think changing my hair color to a deeper and richer color, making the makeup go with the swatches and then finally my clothes all harmonizing has now made me 100% confident I am a Toasted Soft Winter!

Oh my Gosh! I just couldn't be happier or more excited about it!! I just wanted to say thank you so much! This will also save me so much time and money and make me look my best.


Darlene" (USA)

Darlene Client Testimonial Photo

I wanted to send a recent picture of myself. As you may recall I sent pictures, including a current one with no make up and dark flat color hair. You did a make over, which one of them included a rather light makeover, which I thought, was not me, but now because of this makeover, I think I found me!

You colorized me as a toned summer. Which I thought may be a little light for me, but basically colors are good!

I found a hair dresser who was skilled enough to start changing me back to what I like to call enhanced natural. No more getting off track. I was convinced I could find my own personal natural look and it would be the best look for me. 

A toned summer was your assessment. Since I have some warm in my skin and eyes, I am experimenting with make up colors, cool and neutral. Neutral has a bit of warm and cool. This seems to work as well as cool. I will send you one more picture, in cool make up. I just want to thank you for putting me on this natural, exciting and pleasantly more youthful path!

Who would have thought? I'm thrilled! I am getting compliments, which I haven't had in a very long time. My look is unique to me, I love it! I know you are sending me my updated swatches for a sunlit summer. Looking at the toasted summer, that seems harmonious as well, especially my natural hair color, before grey. Hmmmm. I do have a bit of detail obsession I must admit:).

Just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU! THANK You!!"

-Darla, USA

Real Women example of a Cool Summer - Iwona

"Thank you so so much for doing such  a wonderful analysis on me! The mini make - over is so helpful and the e-book goes through everything to really understand the season,I absolutely love it.

I can now see the overall coolness I have and how the hair changed after pregnancies and getting older. The cool summer is wonderful, it wakes my skin, and eyes up.

 I understand completely everything from the e-book and it feels great to finally know my coloring so that I can just have fun with the cool summer look. I feel great being all cool and knowing it. 

I wish I found Pretty Your World earlier! The website is so full of information. Please use my pictures as examples if needed, it helped me to look at the "real" women analysis and the explanation why a certain season was chosen. Starting right at childhood, I've never came across that before, and it's so in depth. 

Also please use anything I wrote as testimonials. I will recommend you to anyone confused about their coloring. I myself found out about the color breeze system from someone's blog. I was googling shaded soft autumn [laughing emoji]

Now that I understand that adding neutral highlights changes the soft season so much I see why I thought I was warmer when I had highlights. Just in case I choose that look in the future again, if I could have the toasted soft summer e- book, that would be great."

--Iwona, the U.K. 

(FYI: Click here for a closer look at her analysis on the "Real Women" page)

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"I am absolutely delighted with my colour analysis- I cannot thank you enough! When I read the page on your website relating to smokey soft autumn and saw the images of the women you had analysed, I was sure that I fitted into this category but wanted confirmation from you. Your system is excellent; your explanations are detailed, yet clear, for non-colour experts like myself to understand. I found it enlightening when you stated that the typical capsule wardrobe rules of a black blazer, white shirt etc. do not fit with all seasons (believe me, I have tried to adopt this 'standard' capsule wardrobe for years without success!).

I agree with you regarding the first analyst- I wasn't at all convinced by what she said, particularly that I was able to wear bright colours, it just didn’t feel right to me. Colour Me Beautiful was accurate in terms of their analysis, but their system does not account for the subtleties in each season as yours does. I don’t have any questions as you have covered everything in your fantastic e-book and in the detailed email you sent to me.

I am really looking forward to shopping with a new-found confidence and to begin building a wardrobe in ‘my colours’.

Many thanks again for the wonderful analysis and for providing such a professional service."

--"Ariana",  France

"Lora, you are the first and only color analyst that has ever been able to nail me, and I am so grateful! Found Toasted Soft Winter online, knew it was the missing season I’ve been looking for for years, ordered the e-guide, and boom! Finally found one season that has every color that looks good on me and much needed advice for makeup and jewelry.

Know I’ve been desperately craving more guidance on my colors since going salt and pepper, but the usual 12 seasons never quite fit me either. This has been a frustration for a very long time but has been especially irritating now that I’m old enough to have hair that is 50% salt but the other 50% still very dark. I’m not ready for summer colors, most winter colors are too deep or too cool (and I have warm olive overtones in my skin), springs require lighter complexions, and autumns are too warm! It’s clear I’ve always been this season but nobody ever had a name or palette for it before.

So thank you so much! You rock!"

-Shelly A., New Mexico, USA

"I'm not sure if people ever reply to your group emails, but I wanted to reply this time. You had diagnosed me as a Dusty Soft Autumn, and yes -- I was one who was taken by surprise! You told me to try it for awhile ;) Well, using the color palette in the new e-book, I managed to buy a 3-4 new tops (Covid shopping restrictions in my country have made shopping in person too difficult for buying more things), I have indeed received more compliments in the past 4 months on the colors than I have in a long time. I'm still on the discovery path, but I was inspired by this particular newsletter of yours and the lovely scarf to check in and let you know.

Thank you so much for your system, your analysis, your lovely new e-books, and your dedication to helping people feel like they can live beautifully in their very own skin. If you ever need to make peace with "selling" your system, perhaps that's something you can look to. Bad sales experiences happen when salespeople aren't convinced of their products and thus resort to pressure. When a product is good, no pressure is needed; only education. :) Your products are in the latter category.

Best regards"
Maria - Chile

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am so happy I found your system, as there isn't a classification like the Smokey Soft Autumn in any other system I've come across. They would just qualify warm or soft autumn and probably say I'm a mix of the two, but the Smokey Soft Autumn category is perfect. The description of this type's skin offered in the book really resonated with me and believe it's why I've been misidentified in the past. I always knew I couldn't really be cool since I had such issues with baby blue and cool pinks, so it all makes sense now. I appreciate your quick analysis as well! I just ordered my color fan and am very excited to finally have a guide to use while shopping, especially since it seems it's quite easy to just miss the mark with the Smokey soft autumn type.

Again, thank you!
I wish I had ordered an analysis with you sooner!"
-Kayla, USA

I just wanted to email you back to say THANK YOU! I am so happy to finally KNOW my season! I can't wait to get swatches to see all of my colors. I've already went thru my closet and got rid of everything that is not soft, med-light, and warm. I was hanging on to so many things because I was never sure. Like a lot of blue and grey (a lot of analysis theory's say if you are a soft, grey is your neutral) I was wearing a lot of grey tops, which I looked ok in, but now I know why I didn't feel great. I'm also about to color my hair this morning! I'm going back to my natural color. My husband is very happy about that. :) I finally feel like I KNOW who I am. I already have more confidence even though I have hardly any great colors in my wardrobe. (I don't have much left at all) But I'm excited to start moving forward in the right direction. When I get my swatches I am going to go thru things more definitely. The ebook has already helped a ton. I've already been wearing brown eyeliner and coral lipstick, but was really confused thinking I could wear grey eyeliner. Now my closet and makeup and jewelry all harmonize. Which is wonderful for the ocd minimalist in me!

I also want to say, you are very talented in what you do. Never let others criticism make you doubt yourself. Yours is the only website I've found that makes perfect sense. And I was so happy to have a chance to talk with you personally, and find that you are very down to earth and real. :) Thank you for answering my questions and taking the time to discuss all of that with me. Keep up your awesome work!

I told my husband a few weeks ago that I want to take your course and become a consultant in the near future. When I am able. I am already a licensed cosmetologist. I am not currently practicing, because I'm homeschooling my son, and cleaning 1 day a week pays more! (go figure) But I have always had a passion for making other people look better. My mom said I used to coordinate her outfits when I was 4 and they actually looked good. lol Oddly they do not really teach color (skin tones and undertones) in cosmetology, so that was missing in my education. I've been obsessed with it ever since I discovered it. I think I enjoy it more than doing hair. So as soon as my circumstances allow, this is the career path I want to pursue. And yours is the only course I trust. ;)
Thanks again!
"Stephanie", USA

YOU ARE AMAZING!! All these years (even as a child!) little "Angela" [her young teenage granddaughter for whom she bought a color analysis] kept gravitating toward every color you sent, especially all the corals and soft peaches. And all these years I thought she was a summer!! I kept thinking why does this kid like everything that will make her look horrible!! Boy was I WRONG!! [fyi: Her granddaughter's season turned out to be a Sunlit Soft Spring]

I forwarded your email to Angela and she kept saying she loved all those colors!! It was so “her.” She had questioned her eye shadow colors and was thrilled to see your recommendations. All the information you sent was just gobbled up by Angela. What a confidence builder!! I could hear it in her voice. She can’t wait to go make up shopping and “get it right!"Now she can look her best! Your analysis was a “game changer” for her. I cannot THANK YOU enough!
I am going to order the swatches. I think it would be very handy to take on the go while shopping.

You are the BEST, Lora!! If you ever need a testimonial, I would be happy to give you a glowing one!
It’s a Happy Day here!

With Gratitude,"
"Barbara", USA

"I just want to say that your color system is the BEST I have seen. I just purchased a color analysis through another system and was analyzed, and it was pretty good, but not as nuanced as yours. I felt something was missing. I'm mostly cool and dark (blue eyes and dark/medium brown hair) but have a bit of warmth to my skin, so I've always struggled with where I fit in color systems. Just looking at your ColorBreeze seasons, I immediately identified with Toasted Soft Winter. It's 100% me! You are brilliant. I'm looking forward to ordering a swatch."
'Michelle', USA

What a beautiful privilege this was to read your write up on the Color Breeze system, beginning with Soft Spring! I think a lot of people have seen these indicators of "sister seasons" that you bring out, but you are the first person I've seen to really articulate the nuances quite so specifically in seasonal terms. What you are doing here comes very close to completely individualized color analysis.

I'm excited now to see what else you come up with on your site. This is really a breakthrough to be so proud of, and it is going to help so many! Thanks for sharing with us all.

-Rene", USA

"Hi Lora,
I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you for your colour analysis.
I found your analysis easy to understand and so much of it clicked with me. I have a lot more confidence choosing colours for myself and have already seen great results.

Best wishes,
-Penny, U.K.

"Hello Lora,
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out to you with an update on my color journey.
You did an online color analysis for me a little over a year ago and determined I was a cool summer. I was so happy to receive your feedback and the beautiful swatch book. I should have left it there.

But I got caught up in the exciting world of personal color analysis and decided I just had to have the experience of a real-life PCA. I chose the closest one I could find and made my appointment. I told the analyst that I had had an online consultation with the result being a “cool summer” analysis. She felt that I had too much warmth for that to be right. After the draping process, that analyst determined me to be a “soft summer.” I was given a new collection of swatches and makeup recommendations.

Lora, I tried for nearly nine straight months to embrace the soft summer palette without ever seeing the magic happen. It was pretty… it was soft… but I felt like someone had turned out my light. It had a graying and aging effect – the complete opposite of what the ideal colors are supposed to do.
It seemed to me that my coloring had a glasslike clarity that was not being honored or enhanced by the soft summer palette. I was longing for more contrast and intensity. The other day, after months and months of buying and wearing my new soft summer wardrobe, I found a simple T-shirt in an emerald-turquoise color that had been forgotten at the back of my drawer. I slipped it on without much thought and went about my business. Sometime after, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and gasped. I was back! I looked vibrant and youthful and alive again.

Long story long, I recently dug out that original cool summer swatch book you sent me and WOW all the colors I’ve been missing and longing for are THERE! Deep rose pink, watermelon red and my holy grail emerald-turquoise. Gorgeous color after gorgeous color and nothing muddy about any of them. Although I do have some warmth in my eyes and my skin, none of these colors strike me as being “too cool” for me.

My online consultation with you resulted in a far better palette match than my in-person consultation did – at a far better price! You have a terrific eye. You are very good at what you do. Oh how much money, time and frustration I could have saved if I had just stuck with your recommendations from the get-go. But I suppose it was all worth it because now I know that your swatch book is the only one I’ll ever need. I can’t say thank you enough!"

-Maria, USA

"The best personal beauty tool you'll ever have..."

"Lora did my color analysis 2 years ago and I've never been happier with the results. Before my personal color analysis, I had every shade of eye shadow, blush, foundation and lipstick in every tone you can think of in silver, gold, and neutrals. The contents of my closet were the same. I had all these items, but "Nothing to wear." I'd put on gold eye shadow and peach blush to give me what the magazines called that "Sundrenched, bronze goddess" look, and my cool, pale complexion (Pure Sumer) looked sickly. The same thing went for my olive military jacket. Yikes! I would look in the mirror and throw my hands up. It was ridiculous! Well, all of that has changed... Lora is amazing! She did my analysis and gave me a detailed description of my season complete with the swatches and makeup color suggestions. I finally found ME. I weeded out all the makeup and clothing colors that didn't work, and I take my color swatches with me whenever I go shopping. I'm saving so much money (and time!) because I no longer buy the wrong shades and it feels GOOD! Wearing the right colors really does make all the difference. It puts a spring in your step when you know your clothing, hair and makeup harmonize. It's not just about someone telling you what "season" you are. It's about looking in the mirror and seeing it for yourself and knowing that there is definitely something to this. Lora Alexander is the one that can help you discover what colors make you shine. Thank you, Lora!"

--Holly, USA

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