The Toasted Soft Autumn

Young Toasted Soft Autumn with dark auburn hair.

Here are the basics of the Toasted Soft Autumn season

Temperature: Warm
Value: Medium - Deep
Chroma: Muted
Sister Season: Hot Deep Autumn

Best colors: Chocolate brown, copper, tomato, forest green, deep teal, deep peach, coral, golden yellow.

Worst Colors: Avoid cool colors, especially pale dusty pastels.

The Toasted Soft Autumn needs to wear rich, warm colors that are muted and deep in value.

This season is deeper in value than a Warm Autumn but needs much more warmth than the Deep Autumn season provides. Often mistaken for a Deep Autumn or a Warm Autumn, the Toasted Soft Autumn is a blend of both.

Depth is important: Wearing colors that are too pale will not be strong enough for your coloring and will wash you out. Anything too cool will not harmonize with your toasted coloring.

More Examples of The Toasted Soft Autumn

If you haven't noticed yet, many images I use on this site are marked "ColorBreeze Art". This is part of my new artwork and visuals I have created with the help of AI, among other digital photo software. I will be slowly adding more images over time. Here are some for this season. Please share on Pinterest if you like them! 

Toasted Soft Autumn woman with freckles.
A young Toasted Soft Autumn woman in a field of Sunflowers at sunset.
Asian Toasted Soft Autumn in Teal chiffon.
Toastes Soft Autumn woman in brown leather jacket.

Stay tuned for more examples...

If you are sure you are a Toasted Soft Autumn, or you simply want to know more about it, you can now purchase my newest ebook devoted solely to this season.  

Discover tips on hair color, makeup, and much more.  

This is the first "Celebrate Your Season" edition ebook that is made with my own digital ai art, for vibrant visual examples. 

Toasted Soft Autumn ebook available now.

Here are a few fashion looks for the Toasted Soft Autumn

Toasted Soft Autumn woman
Toasted Soft Autumn clothes 2
Toasted Soft Autumn clothes 3

See more looks for the Soft Autumn Deeps on my Pinterest page. 

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